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May 12, 2012

Length Check Shirts

I had been debating getting one since I wasn't sure I'd keep taking care of my hair for any length of time.  But now that I'm two months away from my first full year of hair journey I figured it was time to take the plunge.  Just found affordable and cute length check shirts unexpectedly so I'm happy.  Spreadshirt.com has them from lots of folks (including Hairlista) but I chose http://justgrowalready.spreadshirt.com/ for the shirts I would pick.  I found the store through the main Spreadshirt page but the shirts were 2 or 3 bucks cheaper through the link I shared.  I'll say this too these shirts mostly start at NL but there are some on the main Spreadshirt page that start at a variety of lengths (SL, APL, BSL) with cute designs all around. Ahh well enough spending money for the day lol.

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