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November 28, 2013
Midweek update/Happy Thanksgiving
For those in the Eastern Time Zone it is now Thursday so Happy Thanksgiving. This will be short but I may update it again later as the day goes on. I did manage to get another work out in before the overeating commences. I have made some cupcakes and a pecan pie even though I'm not totally loving the cupcakes appearance. They smell good but we'll see how they taste. The turkey is enjoying it's marinade and will be fried all delicious like tomorrow. I'm going to make some biscuits and some rice to go with it. Mom will make too much dressing that only she will eat lol and we'll make another neutral side dish to go with her ham. I'm not a big ham girl but it should be fine. I need to book my ticket for Christmas but that's all the major activity I need to accomplish. I am on day four of inversion (Thursday would be five but it's barely Thursday) and so far so good. How is everyone doing?
November 24, 2013
Recap, Reboot, Redo
I went a little MIA again but this time I promise I have a good excuse. Last week I was getting ready to do my weekly wash day recap and I started getting weather alerts. Lots and lots of weather alerts. Thunderstorms, high wind and then the big one--potential tornadoes. We lost power as I was roller setting my hair and that began the long painful odyssey of being in a house with a cranky 61 year old. That's right folks mom came back on Saturday. I won't bore you with details but just know it required two BIG BIG margaritas to get through the day. Anyhoo, back to the storms. I finally got to experience a storm event significant enough that it broke through on your cell phone to tell you to cover your ass. Ok so it said that in much more polite language but it happened. Thankfully we came though the storm perfectly fine. The trees limbs/tree we had removed probably helped that because the wind did tear up the aging fence a bit but save that we were unharmed. Without cable and internet and telephone service for several days but you know by the end of day two I was adapting--save missing seeing the sexiest man alive in his lovely new sweater line oh Adam Levine is so pretty--and watched some of my favorite old movies and remembered why I didn't watch one movie more. Mom on the other hand had to be frequently reminded that we had a house, power and were both fine while others were not. So it is no surprise she was the first one that noticed the cable had returned and spent the rest of the evening engaged in as much tube time as possible. I finished watching Up and then flipped it on so I could see recovery stuff before going to bed.
I finally got back to the gym on Friday after being off nearly a full two weeks. The first week I just was feeling like crap and couldn't drag myself there even if I wanted to and let's face it I didn't want to. The second week well yeah there was that tornado thing. The workouts felt great and I found myself creating exercises in the car and waiting on dinner to cook. No gym today because it's wash day and I was feeling lazy but will try to make it a few times before they rightfully close for the holidays. I will also be dodging all Black Friday shopping guilt from my mother because I am NOT getting out in that madness.
Wash day went mostly fine. Lost about the same amount of hair as the last photo and then I decided to try the inversion method again since I still haven't found a new stylist. I could go back to the old one but yeah she's annoying the crap out of me with random text messages about specials and her travel plans. After I put on my leave ins, I added oils to my scalp and rubbed it in well before bending over and trying to play a game of spades to kill the four minutes. I stopped the game when I started to get dizzy and realized I had been hanging my head for six minutes. Another roller set which should make it through the actual two days of work I have this week and then it's time for eats and sleeping to bringing in the holiday.
I will be roaming your pages and catching up over the break as well. For my American friends what will you be doing to enjoy/celebrate Thanksgiving? For those outside the US, any big plans coming up? Or any good recipes I should try while I am enjoying a stove with even cooking temperature?
P.S. I knew I was forgetting something. I am typing all of this on my new laptop lol. Toshiba was having a sale and instead of stalling for another six months or a year I went ahead and treated myself. 1 terabyte of hard drive space, blu ray player, 8 gigs of memory (will probably update that soon) with all the standard bells and whistles along with a ten key pad to punch in the numbers easier. Yeah new laptop.
I finally got back to the gym on Friday after being off nearly a full two weeks. The first week I just was feeling like crap and couldn't drag myself there even if I wanted to and let's face it I didn't want to. The second week well yeah there was that tornado thing. The workouts felt great and I found myself creating exercises in the car and waiting on dinner to cook. No gym today because it's wash day and I was feeling lazy but will try to make it a few times before they rightfully close for the holidays. I will also be dodging all Black Friday shopping guilt from my mother because I am NOT getting out in that madness.
Wash day went mostly fine. Lost about the same amount of hair as the last photo and then I decided to try the inversion method again since I still haven't found a new stylist. I could go back to the old one but yeah she's annoying the crap out of me with random text messages about specials and her travel plans. After I put on my leave ins, I added oils to my scalp and rubbed it in well before bending over and trying to play a game of spades to kill the four minutes. I stopped the game when I started to get dizzy and realized I had been hanging my head for six minutes. Another roller set which should make it through the actual two days of work I have this week and then it's time for eats and sleeping to bringing in the holiday.
I will be roaming your pages and catching up over the break as well. For my American friends what will you be doing to enjoy/celebrate Thanksgiving? For those outside the US, any big plans coming up? Or any good recipes I should try while I am enjoying a stove with even cooking temperature?
P.S. I knew I was forgetting something. I am typing all of this on my new laptop lol. Toshiba was having a sale and instead of stalling for another six months or a year I went ahead and treated myself. 1 terabyte of hard drive space, blu ray player, 8 gigs of memory (will probably update that soon) with all the standard bells and whistles along with a ten key pad to punch in the numbers easier. Yeah new laptop.
November 10, 2013
Wash Day & Inversion Updates
This may or may not be that long. I have been suffering the worst cramps in recent memory but I have to concede that thanks to the depo shot (even though I've been off it for about a year) I haven't had anything resembling a regular cycle. I slept most of yesterday though, in between doses of pain killers, and chats with my brother and mother but that's a long story. I have been keeping up the gym visits and need to update the stats to the side.
Wash day went about as smoothly as it can considering I'm about 10 weeks post now and I slept hard with no concern for my hair yesterday. I got up earlier than I wanted and did the inversion before starting my prepoo. I can't claim it worked or not because I missed another day so really I need to just start all over and see how it goes. My hair feels great I will say that much but since I'm in bushy having with new growth I may wait until my next relaxer to start over. I will also add the hot oil felt great on my scalp though.
The only major differences this wash day were hair loss (of course I'm ten weeks post) and I switched up conditioner order so the last one that hit my hair before the deep conditioner was my Moroccan Oil. I air dried a little before doing the deep conditioner for about an hour, not intentionally tennis was on and I got distracted. I rinsed that out and got rolled up before 4 today which was a goal. My hair is taking longer and longer to dry on the longer parts. I put the front on more rollers and am just praying that I don't have to come up with a funky comb over tomorrow morning. I also need to get up early and call a mechanic so they can check on this error code that my check engine light is giving off. Thanks to the nice folks at AutoZone I know what it means and didn't just spend money aimlessly and allegedly it should be a simple fix based on the stuff I saw online. Keep your fingers crossed.
It's time to fix some dinner and watch some more tv. What's up in the world? I feel so out of the loop. Oh and here's a photo of the hair that left my scalp and loved my comb.
Wash day went about as smoothly as it can considering I'm about 10 weeks post now and I slept hard with no concern for my hair yesterday. I got up earlier than I wanted and did the inversion before starting my prepoo. I can't claim it worked or not because I missed another day so really I need to just start all over and see how it goes. My hair feels great I will say that much but since I'm in bushy having with new growth I may wait until my next relaxer to start over. I will also add the hot oil felt great on my scalp though.
The only major differences this wash day were hair loss (of course I'm ten weeks post) and I switched up conditioner order so the last one that hit my hair before the deep conditioner was my Moroccan Oil. I air dried a little before doing the deep conditioner for about an hour, not intentionally tennis was on and I got distracted. I rinsed that out and got rolled up before 4 today which was a goal. My hair is taking longer and longer to dry on the longer parts. I put the front on more rollers and am just praying that I don't have to come up with a funky comb over tomorrow morning. I also need to get up early and call a mechanic so they can check on this error code that my check engine light is giving off. Thanks to the nice folks at AutoZone I know what it means and didn't just spend money aimlessly and allegedly it should be a simple fix based on the stuff I saw online. Keep your fingers crossed.
It's time to fix some dinner and watch some more tv. What's up in the world? I feel so out of the loop. Oh and here's a photo of the hair that left my scalp and loved my comb.
November 3, 2013
Wash Day While Home Alone
I haven't written in a while and it's totally because I'm being a lazy something or other. Mom left a week ago or so and I haven't been very productive at all since then. I think the lack of stress caused by inane conversations is letting my brain go mushy. Couple that with the time change and I'm tired but not so tired if that makes sense.
Today was wash day. I woke up, grabbed a bite and then started prepooing my hair around 9/10. I washed it out around 3 I think. Standard wash day routine. Actually new standard wash day routine I need to update that. To keep my gray hair from getting brassy and yellow again I have been using the Shiny Silver shampoo before my other shampoos. So technically my hair is getting washed three times right now. It's all white no so I may skip the Shiny Silver for a while. After that I did my Moroccan Oil conditioner followed by the Aphogee 2 minute treatment and the Aussie Moist 3 minute treatment. That got left on longer than 3 minutes today because I opted to shave my legs all over a sudden. Why may you ask was I worried about that as the weather begins to change? Well because I want to get another pedicure and they always look at you so oddly when your legs have hair on them. I say another pedicure as well because after lucking upon a sale at Kate Spade and Lane Bryant I spent much of last week collecting boxes from my front porch. One day I had some more time to play with after one such collection so I went to get my air pressure checked on my tires and then because of a crappy location went the opposite direction of home which took me by a nail salon. Beyond the fact that I just kind of wanted someone to rub my feet it's been a while since I got a pedicure and they were in need of some TLC. After the save, and the post shower shave for the inevitable hair that was left, my initial wash phase was done.
I air dried for a while as I played on the computer and then went to deep condition. I skipped this step last week and my hair reminded me of that. It was super dry. After washing that out I started making dinner and then combed through which was back to being like butter lol and was getting ready to roller set my hair before it dawned on me I wanted to try something new. The whole inversion thing that is making the rounds sounds intriguing but I always forget to do it. After warming my oil and massaging my scalp, I set the timer on the stove and hung over the edge of the sink for my required four minutes. My scalp was nice and tingly but that could have been from the peppermint oil lol. I thankfully didn't feel dizzy though so a I grabbed my flexi rods, set my hair and ate my delicious fajitas in my favoritest new thing, stand and stuff flour tortillas. I'll see how my hair is looking after the end of this week. I think you are supposed to do a week on and week off at most so that your hair doesn't get accustomed to it.
What is going on with you?
Today was wash day. I woke up, grabbed a bite and then started prepooing my hair around 9/10. I washed it out around 3 I think. Standard wash day routine. Actually new standard wash day routine I need to update that. To keep my gray hair from getting brassy and yellow again I have been using the Shiny Silver shampoo before my other shampoos. So technically my hair is getting washed three times right now. It's all white no so I may skip the Shiny Silver for a while. After that I did my Moroccan Oil conditioner followed by the Aphogee 2 minute treatment and the Aussie Moist 3 minute treatment. That got left on longer than 3 minutes today because I opted to shave my legs all over a sudden. Why may you ask was I worried about that as the weather begins to change? Well because I want to get another pedicure and they always look at you so oddly when your legs have hair on them. I say another pedicure as well because after lucking upon a sale at Kate Spade and Lane Bryant I spent much of last week collecting boxes from my front porch. One day I had some more time to play with after one such collection so I went to get my air pressure checked on my tires and then because of a crappy location went the opposite direction of home which took me by a nail salon. Beyond the fact that I just kind of wanted someone to rub my feet it's been a while since I got a pedicure and they were in need of some TLC. After the save, and the post shower shave for the inevitable hair that was left, my initial wash phase was done.
I air dried for a while as I played on the computer and then went to deep condition. I skipped this step last week and my hair reminded me of that. It was super dry. After washing that out I started making dinner and then combed through which was back to being like butter lol and was getting ready to roller set my hair before it dawned on me I wanted to try something new. The whole inversion thing that is making the rounds sounds intriguing but I always forget to do it. After warming my oil and massaging my scalp, I set the timer on the stove and hung over the edge of the sink for my required four minutes. My scalp was nice and tingly but that could have been from the peppermint oil lol. I thankfully didn't feel dizzy though so a I grabbed my flexi rods, set my hair and ate my delicious fajitas in my favoritest new thing, stand and stuff flour tortillas. I'll see how my hair is looking after the end of this week. I think you are supposed to do a week on and week off at most so that your hair doesn't get accustomed to it.
What is going on with you?
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